The business case for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) is stronger than ever. But let’s be honest—despite significant efforts, many DEIB initiatives fall short of real transformation.
What I do isn’t work—it’s a calling. I have often wanted to quit and run in the opposite direction. But every time I do, another door opens, and I can’t say no. I have to pinch myself about my journey and the awesomeness that has happened—and continues to happen—as a result of this journey. My hope is that by sharing a bit of my story, you’ll be inspired on your journey…
Imagine the thrill of a rocket launch — the precise countdown, the roar of engines, and the liftoff that defies gravity. I had the privilege of witnessing this magic firsthand at a SpaceX launch at Kennedy Space Center. Each stage of the countdown had its purpose. This process mirrors my Activate the Awesome™ framework, each step preparing us to launch into our…
As the holidays approach, let’s pause and focus on an extraordinary gift: You!!! Yes, you are a gift to the world. Your unique strengths, talents, and qualities make you one-of-a-kind, and recognizing and celebrating that can create a powerful shift in how you experience this season. At a time when 79% of people globally prioritize wellness, but many still struggle…
Thomas Troward observed that “our thoughts travel at 186,000 miles a second, which is 930,000 times faster than the sound of our voice.” This reminds us just how powerful our thoughts are in shaping our lives. Here are three simple tools to help you reconnect with your awesome thoughts throughout the day, each designed to fit seamlessly…
Election time is here, and with it comes the electric energy of people assessing candidates, policies, and possibilities. Voting is more than a choice; it’s an act of belief and hope in what’s possible. Many of you have already activated the “A.W.E.” in Activate the Awesome by voting—Assessing, Waking up to your values, and Engaging…
Have you ever felt like there’s more you could be doing — like there’s untapped potential just waiting to be unleashed? You know the feeling. It’s the thought that keeps popping in your head like an itch that won’t go away. For some of us, we know something needs to change. We feel off, but we don’t know exactly why…
As the cool air of September begins to move in, this month isn’t just about the changing seasons—it’s about seizing new opportunities and embracing fresh starts as we harness that unmistakable back-to-school energy. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to ignite your true awesomeness, build self-esteem, and finish 2024 on an awesome note, the time is now!
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