From Isolation to Illumination: The Day I Discovered My Calling in My Pajamas

My Journey to Finding Purpose

I am so very proud of the work I do. To me, it isn’t work—it’s a calling. I have often wanted to quit and run in the opposite direction. But every time I do, another door opens for me to impact this world in the most awesome way (while using my awesomeness), and I can’t say no. I have to pinch myself about my journey and the awesomeness that has happened—and continues to happen—as a result of this journey. My hope is that by sharing a bit of my story, you’ll be inspired on your journey to finding your own unique purpose.

Pajamas and Reflection: Asking Life’s Biggest Questions

A few years ago, I sat in my pajamas feeling sorry for myself. This moment will forever be with me because, having relocated to the USA, I could not work due to visa restrictions. Not able to volunteer. Not able to do anything at all. It was the most uncomfortable place I have ever been—and the scariest.

Looking back, this time of reflection gave so many gifts. I was able to ask the question, “Who am I?” Without the labels, I didn’t know for sure. I was a foreigner. I was a mom. I was a daughter, sister, and wife. I had a long list of all the things I was not. Oh my goodness, that was an easy list!

I had already started to do the work. I had a coach. I was getting myself up and out of my home on the other side of the world (most days, but not today) and was trying new things. I was baking A LOT! I was learning A LOT to understand who I was and what I wanted.

That was the biggest problem—not knowing what I wanted. I wanted to work, but I couldn’t, and if I had been able, did I want to go back into HR? I wasn’t sure. So much of the work I was doing and the policies didn’t align with how I felt. I knew there was so much more to the impact I could make in this world.

I had to go back to the drawing board.

As I said, I got myself up and out and tried new things to answer the biggest questions in life: What did I want to do? What was my purpose? And why was the Universe stopping me from returning to the road I had been on?

On this day, I was angry, fed up, and frustrated with where I was. I had ideas but nothing concrete about the impact I could make. Then, something truly remarkable happened.

The Turning Point: A Random Zoom Call That Changed Everything

Let me back up a bit and remind you of the times we were in. It was 2020, the year of the pandemic. A year when I first discovered Zoom, an application I never needed or used prior (My six-year-old son taught me how to use it—who taught you?). As I sat moping at my desk in pajamas in the middle of the afternoon, a person I had connected with through a community called One Drop on Facebook emailed a link and said I needed to be on this call.

It wasn’t even someone I knew, but it picqued my interest. I clicked the link without even reading the entire email. What happened next blows my mind even to this day.

As soon as I connected, I remember hearing Sammy Garrity say, “Fantastic, it’s so good to see so many of you here. I’m gonna break you out into breakout rooms. Please introduce yourselves and tell the group what your business is.”

I remember thinking, Is this live??? Truly remember, back then, we were all in our houses and isolated from the outside world. I was shocked to hear UK accents as I felt lost in North Carolina, but these people—so many people online—were live, and I was being put in a room to do WHAT????

In a flash, I was suddenly in a room with five other strangers. I was still trying to work out what was going on when someone said, “Hi Michelle, I’m not sure we have ever met. Would you like to go first?”

Oh my goodness, I was speechless (at first).

Shifting Focus: From “What I Can’t Do” to “What I’ve Already Done”

In that moment, I spoke without thought. Becuase if I had time to think straight, I would have realized I could switch my camera off. I would have remembered I was in my pajamas, not showered, with my hair still a mess. If I had thought it over, I would have made an excuse and said, “Oh, my apologies, I think I’ve made a mistake.”

But I didn’t.

I told the five strangers that I didn’t have a business, but I guess I was there in that moment because I was meant to have a business using the skills I already had. In an instant, I shifted my focus from what I couldn’t do to what I had already done.

Discovering My Coaching Superpower

I had previously volunteered for a nonprofit supporting teens in a community center. This randomly led to a connection with another nonprofit later on, Youth Development Initiatives, and the phenomenal Mr. Bego’s life skills program. During COVID, I also provided my services freely to help those out of work up-level their resumes.

I also had coached for free since my arrival in the United States. Remembering these interactions helped me realize this was the kind of work that lit me up throughout my career: showing people just how awesome they are right now in this moment, the present moment. Not when they go do something or get whatever it is they think they need—right here and now.

And so, the journey began.

Having trained, coached, and led people throughout organizations for years, I always asked, “Why is there not someone or programming or a tool that supports people and teams to see their awesomeness?” Something that would provide proof of who applicants are and what value they have.

It took me until this very moment in that unexpected live Zoom call to realize that maybe this person was me.

And the Universe had been telling me for years! I had been talking about it for years, too.

The Starry Ceiling: A Tribute to Every Life I’ve Touched

In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would be running my own business as a coach and professional speaker. And it is work I truly love. It lights me up every day. Each client means so much to me. I place a star on my ceiling for every client I coach or speak to, representing their bright, shining light.

I started this practice at the beginning of my journey. I initially cut them out of cardstock but quickly moved to fluorescent stars. And, yes, I know the photo is blurry, but it’s still awesome, flaws and all—just like each of us.

My vision back then was a dream. A vision that I said out loud and waited for people to fall about laughing. A vision that I could see clearly through a session with Sammy Garrity from the One Drop movement, now The Brand Catalyst. A vision to Activate the Awesome of 1 million people.

I will never forget the day.

I said it out loud after a meditation practice we completed together, and after the short silence, my group reacted in a way I truly did not expect.

They said, “Awesome!!! You’ve easily got that!!”

I could hardly believe it!! No awkward silence, no sideways look of “What, 1 million?” No “Are you crazy!!!” Just total belief in me.

It took many years after that session (and a lot of internal work and growth) to share this part of my story and to be brave enough to say my bodacious vision confidently out loud.

And only a few weeks ago, I shared this part of my story in a pitch competition. It was the first time I said it without a smirk of disbelief. I said it with pride while bursting with confidence.

The Ripple Effect: One Drop Can Change the World

Every time I doubt my ability to reach my goal, which now has a date of 10 years, I go to my ceiling, and I remember what Sammy would say about not just one person—my “One Drop,” as she would put it—but the ripple effect. Many people are impacted when one person changes. Their light shines brighter because of the internal growth and activation, and then they help other people shine brighter, too.

Our Purpose: Shine Bright for Others

This was the beginning of Activate the Awesome and my goal of impacting 1 million people, which I say knowing it IS possible. It’s the creation story, the humble (and awesome) beginning of my journey—something I wanted to share this holiday season. As I sit here and type, I can’t help but think of the Christmas story—the star in the East that shone so brightly, guiding others toward hope and purpose. It feels like a reflection of the magic we’re all called to embody: to shine our light for others to see.

So remember, just like the star in the East guided others, our purpose is to shine brightly—to be a light not only for ourselves but for those who may feel lost, searching for their own spark. That’s the magic, isn’t it? To see our light grow brighter and watch as it spreads to others. 🙏

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