Awakening Excellence: Why Now Is the Time to Activate the Awesome

Have you ever felt like there’s more you could be doing — like there’s untapped potential just waiting to be unleashed? You know the feeling. It’s the thought that keeps popping in your head like an itch that won’t go away. For some of us, we know something needs to change. We feel off, but we don’t know exactly why. Please know that it’s a feeling many of us have, especially in a world that’s constantly throwing new challenges our way.

From Adversity Comes Strength

We’ve recently seen the devastation brought by hurricanes in Western North Carolina and, more recently, across Florida. The damage, the loss, and the uncertainty can make it hard to see the silver lining right now. But these difficult times are also a reminder that, even in the face of adversity, there’s an incredible strength (or what I refer to as Awesomeness) within us that’s waiting to be activated. It’s a strength that’s not just about weathering the storm, but about using these experiences as a catalyst for growth and resilience. It’s time to awaken that strength, to activate the awesome within each of us, and to come back stronger than before.

Photo of a volunteer smiling while handing out food to people sitting against a brick wall

Coming Together to Rebuild

As I am sure you can imagine, many people are feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward after such devastation. Stress, burnout, and anxiety are real, and the emotional toll of facing natural disasters adds another layer to this. According to a 2023 Gallup poll, 44% of employees reported feeling stress, which often led to burnout, and that was before the impact of recent natural events. However, what has been truly awesome in these moments is seeing neighbors helping neighbors and communities coming together to rebuild. It’s proof that when things get really tough, there’s a resilience that comes alive and is activated in people, a resilience that shows just how much potential we have to make a difference. A resilience that, in the moment, is not questioned. We naturally embody resilience as we do what is necessary to move forward.

Photo of volunteers smiling and serving food

Tapping into Resilience on a Daily Basis

But what if we could tap into that resilience, that sense of purpose, not just when times are tough but every day? What if the determination and hope we see in the aftermath of a hurricane could be a regular part of how we approach life, work, and our own growth? That’s what activating the awesome is all about—finding ways to bring out the best in ourselves, even when we’re not facing a crisis.

Think about it: when disaster strikes, you see people stepping up, tapping into skills they didn’t know they had, showing up for others in ways they never thought possible. What if we didn’t wait for a crisis to discover what we’re truly capable of? What if we took time now to reflect on our strengths, dig into what lights us up, and figure out how to bring more of that into our everyday lives? It’s about using this time of rebuilding as a chance to rediscover our potential and turn those feelings of uncertainty into a newfound sense of purpose.

Recognizing Your Potential

When you recognize your own potential, it’s amazing what can happen. You begin to believe in yourself a little more. That belief helps you keep pushing forward, even when the path isn’t clear. It allows you to not just rebuild after a hurricane but to come back with a stronger sense of self. It helps you find new ways to contribute to your community, bring out the best in those around you, and stay resilient no matter the challenges. And when you believe in yourself, others notice. Your courage, your determination, and your willingness to step up in tough times become an inspiration.

Photo of five coworkers smiling at each other around a computer. Two are giving each other a high five.

Taking Action and Moving Forward

But this isn’t just about a mindset shift—it’s about taking action. It’s about using the momentum from surviving and thriving through adversity to fuel your journey forward. Think of it like rebuilding after the storm: you don’t just repair what’s broken; you build something better, something that’s more prepared for whatever comes next.

Yes, life will always throw curveballs, whether it’s a natural disaster or a personal challenge. The key is to stay open to learning and to use each setback as an opportunity to come back stronger. That’s where true resilience comes in, helping you keep the fire going even when things don’t go as planned.

It’s Time for You to Thrive

So why is this message so important right now? Because there’s a world out there that needs more people living with purpose and passion—people who aren’t just surviving, but truly thriving, even when faced with life’s toughest moments. This could be you. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being willing to step up, try, and keep moving forward no matter what life throws your way.

Activating the awesome isn’t a one-time event. It’s a journey of continuous growth, a commitment to keep discovering and connecting with what you’re capable of, to challenge yourself, and to lean into the things that scare you a little bit. It’s about daring to dream bigger, reaching further, and not settling for just ‘okay.’  It’s being inspired by who you really are — your tapestry of awesome.

Photo of 7 people's arm and hands with a thumbs up sign in the sunlight

Awaken the Awesome Within

So, what do you say? Are you ready to awaken that excellence within, even in the face of adversity? Let’s activate the awesome together and create a future where you’re not just weathering the storms but thriving in their aftermath. Because now, more than ever, is the time to rise.

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