Five Reasons Why September is the Most Perfect Month to “Activate the Awesome”

As the cool air of September begins to move in, this month isn’t just about the changing seasons—it’s about seizing new opportunities and embracing fresh starts as we harness that unmistakable back-to-school energy. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to ignite your true awesomeness, build self-esteem, and finish 2024 on an awesome note, the time is now! Here’s why September is the ideal month to “Activate the Awesome” and Discover, Connect, and Be Inspired by your tapestry of awesomeness as both an individual or as part of a team.

1. A Fresh Start to Unlock Your True Potential

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” —C.S. Lewis

Photo of a key next to the word Success against a wooden background

September brings with it the promise of new beginnings. After the lazy, hazy days of summer, it’s the perfect time to shake off all those cobwebs and dive right back into your goals with renewed energy. Whether you’re an individual ready to pursue a new passion or a team looking to realign with your mission, September offers a clean slate to unlock your full potential and reconnect with your awesomeness.

2. Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” —A.A. Milne

As the year starts to wind down, September gives you the perfect opportunity to build and reinforce your self-esteem. It’s the most perfect time to reflect on your achievements to date, acknowledge your strengths, and gather the undeniable proof of your awesomeness. Remember it’s not just the big achievements we are recognizing here. It’s the perfect time to connect with all the small wins because many small wins create huge waves of change.  For teams, it’s about celebrating both individual and collective wins and using them as stepping stones to greater success.

3. Finishing Strong

“Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world.” —Roy T. Bennett

With only a few months left in 2024  – do not panic!!! September is a perfect time to refocus and finish strong. It’s about recognizing that, yes, you can push past any lingering challenges and start making the most of the time you have left this year. Whether you’re working on personal goals or driving a team to meet its targets, this is the moment to dig deep and know that you have everything you need because you’ve Activated the Awesome which will help you keep going. Connecting to your Awesomeness strengthens your self-belief, builds confidence, and opens doors of opportunity to support you in finishing strong.

4. Building Bridges of Communication

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” —Helen Keller

Graphic with a tree in the background surrounded by words in different colors: Success, Inovator, Venture, Sales, Teamwork, Questions, BUsiness, Team, Meeting, Support, Strategy, Goals, Ideas, Competition, and Opportunities

September is also the perfect time to strengthen communication, whether it’s with yourself or within your team. We all know that effective communication is the bedrock of success, and so right now is the perfect opportunity to build bridges, open up dialogue, and foster a culture of collaboration which in turn will create that sense of belonging. For teams, it’s about ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and that you’re all pulling in the same direction and working towards the same goal. Learning about your team’s individual and collective tapestry of awesomeness is the perfect way to build bridges and start an awesome conversation.

5. Preparing to End 2024 and Start 2025 in the Most Awesome Way

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” —Steve Jobs

September isn’t just about starting fresh—it’s about setting the tone for how you want to end the year and start the year ahead. It’s your chance to activate the awesome within you and your team, ensuring that you finish 2024 or prepare to start 2025 in the best possible way. Maybe you’re looking to align your actions with your goals or motivate your team for a strong finish, the time to act is now.

Photo of sunlight beaming down on a green seedling growing from the ground

Awesome Summary

September is a month of opportunity, transformation, and action. It’s the perfect time to Activate the awesome, and Discover, Connect and become Inspired by your tapestry of awesomeness. It’s the perfect month to set the stage for an incredible finish to 2024 and to start to prepare for the awesome year ahead. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back—if you’re unsure where to start, reach out to Activate The Awesome and start an awesome conversation today!

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